Wednesday Apr 18

"Munduko gailurretatik itzulia" - NO ELEVATORS DAY: Take the stairs and reach the peaks of the world

  • Where AMETZAGAÑA 58 - 20012 SAN SEBASTIAN - SPAIN San Sebastian ,
  • When Event Start

ENGLISH - Students have been training to climb as many stairs as they can. In groups they add all the stairs climbed. They have calculated that each stair has 18cm and that from -2 floor to +3 floor you clim 16,5 meters. They have chosen 15 different mountains around the world and they have calculated how many times they have to climb (fom-2 to +3). Different ages different challenges. Teachers also have their own challenge as a group. Parents are invited the 25th of April to reach a peak too. We are going to be reaching different peaks by different groups (from 3 year old to 16 yera old students) during a week, from the 18th to the 25th. ESPAÑOL - El alumnado ha estado entrenando. Han calculado la altura de las escaleras desde la planta -2 hasta la planta 3. Después han elegido 15 montañas del mundo de diferentes alturas y han calculado cuantas veces tienen que subir para conseguir la cima. El reto lo hacen en grupo, cada grupo de edad un reto. El profesorado también tiene su reto y para finalizar la semana, las familias también estan invitadas a probar a alcanzar una cima. Durante la semana del 18 al 25 de abril iremos alcanzando las diferentes cimas (desde alumnos y alumnas de 3 años hasta los de 16).