6 home workout videos that #USETHESTAIRS
Using the stairs as your very own “gym equipment” is a good way to keep active when gyms and sports facilities are closed – or any time you want to add a boost of energy to your day! These videos will show you how to get some daily exercise in while using the stairs as your equipment.
The Art of Stair Climbing – Peter Shmock
Are you someone who has never used the stairs as equipment for your workout before? Peter Shmock has a great way of introducing you to easy exercises with easy-to-follow explanations.
High Intensity Stair Workout | Cardio + Tone Up! – Kris Hui
Are you looking for a workout that makes you sweat? This video is the one for you! Kris Hui does a great job in combining cardio and strength exercises that you can do on the stairs.
5-minute beginner cardio. workout using your staircase – Cathy Morenzie
This video shows you a great variety of different cardio exercises that you can do on the stairs. Cathy Morenzie shows you that exercises on the stairs don’t have to be difficult.
5 Exercises for True Beginners | Stair Workout – Whitney Mileham
Are you a beginner who wants to start exercising? Whitney Mileham introduces you to easy and simple exercises where you only need the first 5 steps of your stairs at home!
Plus Size/Beginner Workout - Follow Along Workout for Beginners – Sarah Dussault
Are you new to the idea of using the stairs as your exercise equipment? Sarah Dussault’s Follow Along Workout introduces you to varied exercises you can do that increase your stamina and strength.
15 Minute At Home Leg & Stair Workout
Are you looking for a workout that strengthens your lower-body? Tanessa Shears shows you how you can train your lower-body muscles with only a 15-minute workout.
The #UseTheStairs on No Elevators Day playlist gives you a variety of easy exercises that you can do at home on 29 April 2020.