Looking for a fun way to get your workmates moving?


Each year, people are not doing enough physical activity. This is the reason why in 2017, for the No Elevators Day, ISCA wanted to do something never done before in the European Parliament at Brussels: to put the fire alarm in order to force people taking the stairs, instead of the elevators.

With this extreme way, the key message was: physical activity has to be easier than activating the fire alarm to active people. Stairs aren't only for fire drills! We can do small and simple things everyday to get more active, like taking the stairs.

If you also think that small steps make big differences and if you want to promote physical activity in your city, join the MoveWeek on https://goo.gl/p18Y8u and become a MOVE Agent! Check out all our practical inspirations to organise your MOVE week event in your city on our blog HERE: https://goo.gl/Wh6lML