Wednesday Apr 24

NO ELEVATORS DAY: 世界無電梯日 A day without elevators

  • Where 台北101大樓 110台北市信義區信義路五段7號 Taipei ,
  • When Event Start

世界無電梯日是由歐洲丹麥的組織ISCA發起,有鑒於現代民眾工作繁忙,平常並不容易空出時間運動,在高樓林立的臺北,上下班都習慣搭電梯的我們,在世界無電梯日這天可以試著以走樓梯取代乘坐電梯,此活動同時響應了節能減碳,邀請您一同為這世界盡一份力。 The No Elevators Day Event is held by the ISCA, Taiwan is also invited to be part of the event. Taiwan has many skyscrapers and tall buildings and people have not enough physical activity in their lives, the event is aiming to encourage people to #TakeTheStairs instead of the elevator and escalator. By holding this event, the ISCA invite all the people in Taiwan to put a bit effort and save the one and only planet we all live in.