Wednesday Apr 27

NO ELEVATORS DAY: #NoElevatorsDay Flash mob

  • Where Together stairs - main pedestrian street Plovdiv ,
  • When Event Start

The international #NoElevatorsDay is on April 27! So we invite you to join the improvised flash mob on the stairs Together (Kamenitza stairs) to show what a great and easy option it is to be active and healthier - just by choosing the stairs. Come at 5 pm on April 27, 2022, on the stairs Together! Dress or wear an accent in orange, the trademark of the initiative, and let us, for a few minutes, turn physical activity into a pleasant and cheerful moment of our everyday life. We invite the young people of Plovdiv and all their peers from abroad residing in Plovdiv, as part of various international educational exchanges or who have chosen our city as a temporary home, to be part of the event and to send together the message of a healthier and happier society. The event is part of the #NowWeMOVE campaign.