5 simple steps for a No Elevators Day event in a school
In 2018 No Elevators Day partner Deporte para la Educación y la Salud organised No Elevators Day in collaboration with schools in Spain.
Andreu Raya Demidoff, president from the organisation Deporte para la Educacíon y la Salud, proved that No Elevators Day events can be organised for all ages. In 2018, Andreu collaborated with school from Spain to educate their students on the benefits of taking the stairs.
You can find out how the No Elevators Day events were organised in he schools by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xTc00Qlg0I.
We want to encourage others to organise No Elevators Day event at school. Which is why we have created 5 simple steps on how to involve and organise No Elevators Day event and promote taking the stairs.
- Map the schools you want to involve promoting taking the stairs on No Elevators Day.
- Decide how you want to approach the schools. Do you want to do is via e-mail, by calling them or passing by and talk to those responsible.
- After contacting them, establish a great partnership by organising a meeting for inquiries, to empower and help them on how to organise their own event. Stimulate the idea of educating their students on the benefits of taking the stairs and being more physically active.
- Encourage schools to promote their event with #NoElevatorsDay and #TakeTheStairs on their communication channels.
- After No Elevators Day contact the schools that you got involved about evaluating their event and process towards the event. To improve the next edition events.
Please remember that this article is a guide to help you get schools involved with No Elevators Day and that there are different ways to this.
We have written an article that gives you tips and can inspire you for your own No Elevators Day event, you can find it here: https://no-elevators-day.nowwemove.com/tips-for-organising-ned/
Check out our resources of posters that you can use for your No Elevators Day event. Download them here for free: https://no-elevators-day.nowwemove.com/resources/!
Don’t forget to register your No Elevators day event on here: https://no-elevators-day.nowwemove.com/register/
For any inquiries about No Elevators Day please e-mail ev@isca-web.org.